Jupidu Bend Post
The jupidu attachment has been implemented as a bend code finisher.
Select Bend Code Finishers in the component installation options to install this code-finisher alongwith the others.
Open Flux settings for the target machine and enable Attach reports to NC code if possible option. (You can also enable this option at the application level).
Assign JupiduCF code-finisher to the target machine in Praxis machine settings.

The code-finisher expects the Jupidu Attachment folder as parameter. Praxis passes this as an argument when calling up this tool to finish the jupidu code. The tool looks-up the folder for an attachment with same name as the part. And attaches to the Jupidu code if found one. The supported attachments types are: pdf, stl, png, jpg, bmp, gif, tiff and txt. Other file types are ignored.
Check the Attached NC Report code-finisher option to attach the setup sheet report inside the jupidu file.